Chat Abbreviations:
G Grin
BG big grin
VBG very big grin
ADDY address
AFAIC as far as I'm concerned
AFK away from keyboard
ASAP as soon as possible
B4 before
BBL be back later
BCNU be seeing you
BD big deal
BIL brother-in-law
BION believe it or not
BOT robot
BRB be right back
BTW by the way
CIAO chow (Italian)
CU see you
CUD could
CUL see you later or catch you later
CWYL chat with you later
DHYB don't hold your breath
DILLIGAD do I look like I give a damn
DQYDJ don't quit your day job
FE fatal error
FIL father-in-law
FUBAR fouled up beyond all repair
FUBB fouled up beyond belief
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
GIGO garbage in garbage out
GIWIST gee I wish I said that
GMTA great minds think alike
GMV got my vote
GR&D or GRAD grinning running & ducking
HAK hugs and kisses
HHOK ha ha only kidding
HTH hope this helps
IAC in any case
IAE in any event
IAO I am outtahere
IBCNU I'll be seeing your
IBTD i beg to differ
IIWM if it were me
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
INPO in no particular order
IOW in other words
ISP internet service provider
KISS keep it simple stupid
L8R or L8TR later
LD long distance
LOL laughing out loud
LSHHTCMS laughed so hard had to change my shorts
MB or MaB maybe
MIL mother-in-law
MTFBWY may the force be with you
NBFD no big flippin' deal
NFW no flippin' way
NRN no reply necessary
NP no problem
OAURS on an unrelated subject
OBTW oh by the way
OI operator indisposed
OIC oh i see
OMIK open mouth insert keyboard
ONNA oh no not again
OTOH on the other hand
OWTTE or words to that effect
PITA pain in the arse
PPL people
RAOK random act of kindess
RBTL read between the lines
RML read my lips
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLOL rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFLOLPMP rolling on the floor laughing out loud and peeing my pants
ROTM right on the money
RTFM read the flippin' manual/message
SITD still in the dark
SO significant other
SIL sister-in-law
ST super tired
SysOP system operator
TAFL take a flying leap
TFN thanks for nothing
TIA thanks in advance
TNX or TNKS thanks
TIC tongue in cheek
TKS or TNX thanks
TT ta ta
TSR terminate and stay resident
TTFN ta ta for now
TTT that's the ticket
TTYL talk to you later
URL uniform resource locator
UR you are or your
WB welcome back
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
YGBK you gotta be kidding
Sunday, December 18, 2005
SUI - Some Useful Information
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