Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Robert Fisk has done it again, träffat mitt i prick med sin artikel.

Rösterna för en eventuell FN fredsstyrka har höjts, Fisk berättar om hur fredsstyrkan som opererar mellan Libanon och Israel har mottagits...

The UN force, it should be added, was constantly abused by Israel. It was accused of being "pro-Palestinian" (whatever that is), in league with "terrorists" (it was never explained how), weak, anti-Israeli and – of course – anti-Semitic. Israelis even accused a local UN Fijian commander of spreading Aids.

Jag har också blivit tipsad om en online publication med artiklar om Palestina, mestadels verkar det vara olika forskare eller journalister som skrivit artiklarna. The Palestine Chronicle heter den. Här är några läsvärda tips...

"The Israelis have gone completely mad," a terrified Om-Said said, holding her son tight. "Have not they spelled enough blood already?" [Even Gaza Hospitals Are Not Safe by Ola Attallah - Gaza]

Just because there are no ovens or gassing in the current conflict doesn’t mean that it is less of a genocide or holocaust. [...] In recent days, the inter-active forums on the internet have been filled with pro-Israel posts referring to Palestinians as vermin who should be exterminated. These Hitleresque statements, of course, are said within the context of self-righteousness and victimhood. [Israel; Always the Victim by Sherri Muzher]

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